DateMay 29, 2013
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki
pl. Jana Matejki 13, 31-157 Kraków Kraków, Poland
June 2, 2013 – June 9, 2013
Official Facebook event
ASP – 2012 / 2013 Annual End of the Year Student Exhibition
(Wystawa końcoworoczna prac studentów)
Opening on Sunday, June 2, 2013 beginning at 10:00 am
in the main building of the Academy of Fine Arts on pl. Matejko 13, in Krakow, Poland
I have two pieces on display this year:
- An oil painting of Zakopane located in the main building on pl. Matejki in the studio of prof. Andrej Bednarczyk
- A large aquatint Charleston print located on ul. Humberta in the studio of prof. Henryk Ożóg
pl. Matejki 13
Malarstwo, Rzeźba, Grafika,
Scenografia (wejście od ul. Basztowej 18),
ul. Humberta 3
Grafika, Architektura Wnętrz
Check me out on Expat Radio talking about the Annual Exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow! (My interview is during the second half of the program starting at 34:00)
Bull on the Mike: Arty-Farty
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